AMS Blog

Partly thanks to the HRM master class, my set of responsibilities has expanded

Written by Antwerp Management School | September 21, 2021

Tom Jonkers, Manager Talent Management at Argenta and alumnus of the HRM Master Class at AMS, once and for all does away with the misconception that academic training is out of touch with reality. Argenta already had an excellent research partnership with AMS on the future of work. Hence, when Tom was looking for a training program that touched on all HR aspects in a very practical way, he didn’t have to think twice.

"I started my career at Argenta as Efficiency Manager and moved on to the role of Organization & Talent Coach, the Argenta equivalent of an HR Business Partner. I then got the opportunity to lead the departments of Recruitment, and of Learning & Development, two topics I am very much interested in. After settling in and optimizing department performance, I wanted to take it one step further and build a solid knowledge base in áll HR aspects. In my search for the right program, I quickly ended up at AMS. We had just started collaborating with the Chair Next Generation Work at AMS, which was going really well. Not only did they have a lot of expertise, but they also had a knack for translating that expertise to the business context."

The Master Class has challenged me to take the time to do some research first instead of automatically starting from the context of my organization.

"That same combination of theory and practice is also very much present in the Master Class. The Master Class provides you with a theoretical framework, allowing you to better understand the origins and pendulum swings behind the HR models we are all using today. The Master Class also gives you tools you can use in everyday business. Little things, such as takeaway tips from real life cases, but also more strategic things. Thus, I have learned to say no from time to time to the result-based approach. You know the feeling: a problem pops up, and you want to come up with an answer within your organization straight away. The Master Class has challenged me to take the time to do some research first instead of automatically starting from the context of my organization. What can a literature review teach us? How do other organizations handle this problem? Stepping outside your own context from time to time, will give you new insights."

It is very much refreshing and useful to be able to discuss challenges with colleagues, even if they work in completely different industries.

"Learning how others are handling things, is a really big plus. AMS makes sure to have participants from all walks of life. I felt excited when I first saw the list of participants. A supermarket, a fire service organization, a scout association: a fantastic combination, right? But then, I started to fear that we wouldn’t be able to find common ground, that our challenges would just be too far apart. As it turns out, I was wrong. It is surprising to see how in the end, everyone is struggling with the same issues. And it is very much refreshing and useful to be able to discuss those issues with colleagues, even if they work in completely different industries. Of course, such interaction does not come naturally. The mixed group, the program, the accommodation, the catering: AMS is committed all the way to creating the right group dynamics."

AMS manages to create a sense of urgency, as if you really need to be there or you will be missing out on something great.

"What’s more, you don't just get to work within your own group, AMS also provides 'breakouts'. Thus, we were given the opportunity to participate in the Executive Electives, a series of courses to keep executives up to date on the latest trends and theories from, for instance, neuroscience and machine learning. After the inspiring keynotes, we got the opportunity to discuss these trends in small groups, together with experts, alumni, full time master students, and so on. This again created a very nice vibe and a sense of urgency, so to speak, as if you really need to be there or you will be missing out on something great. One of the participants even brought her baby along so she wouldn't have to skip a session. By the way, we have another Executive Electives session coming up, and I am already really looking forward to it."

I want to help ensure that everyone can build a sustainable career path within Argenta.

"In the meantime, my range of responsibilities at Argenta has grown, partly due to the Master Class. In addition to Recruitment and Learning & Development, I now coach our management trainees, for instance, and I am also co-leading career policy projects. In fact, I am now involved in just about all matters relating to soft HRM: from recruitment and support to growth and moving up. I want to help ensure that everyone can build a sustainable career path within Argenta. The Master Class zoomed in on a wide range of HR topics, and I would like to build even more expertise in these topics. I just love that variety and I intend to continue playing a significant role in the HR landscape."

Want to take your knowledge and experience to the next level, like Tom?

This hands-on Master Class provides you with the necessary knowledge and tools to turn human capital into a strong strategic asset.