
Geert Scheipers

Insights, opinions & cases of AMS

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Geert Scheipers
Academic Director Organizational Performance Management

October 19, 2018

By Geert Scheipers

Shaping a smarter business: 10 simple rules for digital transformation

Strategy & Innovation

On October 8, 2018, Professor Michael Porter received what we believe to be a long overdue honorary doctorate from the KUL. Driven by a sharp analytic eye, impressive teaching and consultancy skills, tons of energy and hints of pure brilliance, the forefather of such time-tested subjects


September 25, 2018

By Geert Scheipers

Digital transformation: A good friend’s advice

Strategy & Innovation

On beer, friends and the value of good theory… Every so often we meet up with a few old friends to have a drink. A couple of weeks ago, we gathered in the beautiful oak guesthouse of one of them, hidden in the seclusion of her impeccable garden. After enjoying a few of the best beers

February 11, 2016

By Geert Scheipers

What is organizational performance management

Strategy & Innovation

It is not a simple task to give direction and reach strategic decisions that are carried through by all parties involved. This is especially the case in large organizations as well as smaller businesses. On top of this, chosen strategies often suffer a loss in traction over time and are