
Steven Poelmans

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Steven Poelmans
Dr. Steven Poelmans holds a Master’s in Organizational Psychology, a Master’s in Marketing Management, a Ph.D. in Management / Organizational Behavior (IESE Business School / University of Navarra, Spain), and a Postgraduate in Neuroscience of Leadership. His research, teaching and consulting mainly focus on neuroleadership, employee well-being and flexible work arrangements, emotional and cultural intelligence, mostly with a cross-cultural perspective. He has coached over 250 executives of more than 30 different nationalities and published over a dozen peer reviewed journal articles and chapters in academic volumes. On Research Gate he scores 24,66 putting him in the 80% percentile of most read / cited researchers in management. At Antwerp Management School, Steven is professor of Neuroscience and Strategic Leadership and cohort-coach at the Executive PhD program. He is founder and director of the NeuroTrainingLab™, a leadership development methodology using competencies assessment and neurophysiologic indicators.
Expertise Research

March 23, 2023

By Steven Poelmans

A toxic culture is not just about toxic leadership


The term “toxic leadership” is all over the news these days, most recently, e.g., in the articles about Plopsaland. But what is toxic leadership? In the news, it is often associated with “transgressive behavior” or “a strict level of control”. The question is: when do you cross the line?

Expertise Research

May 12, 2020

By Steven Poelmans

AMS is watching you: neurotraining for better leadership

Human Resources

End 2019, Prof. Dr. Steven Poelmans installed the first Belgian NeuroTrainingLab™ at Antwerp Management School. In his lab, he teaches business leaders how to make better, empathic decisions, especially in times of stress. “It’s easy to be a leader in times of peace, but it’s difficult to