
Hugo Marynissen

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Hugo Marynissen
Hugo Marynissen is the Academic Director of the Executive PhD Program at Antwerp Management School. He is also a visiting professor at various European universities such as UA (Belgium), Campus Vesta (Belgium), Cranfield University (UK), HUB (Belgium), and Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki (Finland). He is the managing director and partner of PM Risk – Crisis – Change, an agency specialized in risk and crisis management and communication. Since 2008 he has provided regular coaching and consultancy services inside and outside Belgium. In the Middle East and Central Africa, for instance, he coached board members and executives of a global organization in their personal development. For another multinational he gave workshops on four continents about successfully managing change processes. In addition, he is the president of the CIP Institute, a non-profit organization that brings together scientists and practitioners from various disciplines in an inspiring and innovative platform to exchange and develop knowledge about the Complex and Interactive Processes (CIP) in the field of crisis. Hugo holds a Doctoral degree (DBA – Doctor of Business Administration) from Cranfield University – School of Management (UK), and a Masters degree in Change Management from HEC Business School (France). The focus of his research is on the relationship between risk communication and risk perception within so-called “High-Reliability Organizations”.

april 15, 2020

By Hugo Marynissen

Crisiscommunicatie in coronatijden: 'Liegen mag je absoluut niet doen'

COVID-19 Strategy & Innovation

Interview door Arno Meijnen met prof. Hugo Marynissen verschenen in Knack op 4 april 2020 Mogen we nu mondmaskers dragen of niet? Communiceert de overheid wel eerlijk genoeg over de coronacrisis? Professor crisiscommunicatie Hugo Marynissen: 'Er is niemand, zelfs niet Steven Van Gucht of


januari 10, 2019

By Hugo Marynissen

Hoe een executive PhD je helpt om een ‘knowledge leader’ te worden


Een onderscheid maken tussen een executive en een ‘traditionele’ PhD is moeilijk. Studenten maken in beide gevallen een gelijkaardig proces door waarbij ze onderzoeksvaardigheden verwerven, vergaand onderzoek voeren en een unieke bijdrage leveren aan de wetenschap. In het geval van ons