Looking for a great way to kickstart your career? 4 reasons to study an extra master's program

Students & Alumni

For four or five years you have given it your all. You're about to graduate or you just got that hard-earned master's degree. Now what?

Backpacking and traveling? Looking for a job?

Well, here’s the perfect solution for you: take another master's program at an international business school: meet the world in your class room and find out what kind of career would fit you. Hello world, here you come!

Worried about spending yet another year in school and losing out on the rest of your life? Don’t, here are four reasons why an extra year means extra job and growth opportunities:

Kickstart your career with a master

1. Putting theory into practice

Don’t expect to be sitting in an auditorium, taking notes yet again. A master’s program at an international business school is all about preparing yourself for the business world. Professors will provide you with a theoretical framework while guest lecturers give you first-hand insight into everyday business. And since you learn the most by doing, you team up with your fellow students to work on real life business cases and an in-company project instead of writing a classical thesis.

2. Kickstarting your career

If you’re looking for the perfect way to kickstart your career, this is it. Business schools are great at bridging the gap between academic life and the industry. They engage with both local and international businesses and give you first-hand opportunities to meet your future employer: you get to go on company visits, participate in job fairs, career speed dating events, work on an in-company project, and make use of their extensive and impressive network of alumni who work at leading companies worldwide.

3. Growing as a person and as a future leader

Entering a master’s program at an international business school also means embarking on a personal development journey. You will be challenged and coached to become more aware of who you are, how you collaborate with others, and what kind of career path you want to pursue. You will not only grow as a person but as a future leader as well. Thus, you become a real asset to your future employer.

4. Working in a global context

Globalization has become part of daily business life. Even local businesses are not just ‘local’ anymore. Thus, knowing how to deal with a variety of backgrounds and cultures is key, which makes graduates with multicultural competences in high demand. Taking a master’s program at an international business school will connect you to participants and companies from all over the world. It will introduce you to the particular challenges and rewards of doing business in a global context and prepare you for a high-level career.

So, if you want to kickstart your career, be sure to consider getting an additional master’s degree at an international business school. Far from losing another year, it will give you a head start in your future career.

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